
- Nov 2022 - Present
- Founding Product Designer

- Product Thinking
- Affinity Mapping
- Competitive Analysis
- Persona
- User Journey Mapping
- Conceptual Modeling
- Storyboarding
- Workflow
- Information Architecture
- Site Mapping
- Prototyping
- Interaction Design
- User Interface Design
- Cross-functional

- Figma
- Jira
- Slack
Company Overview

We exist to help answer “what do *I* want to do here right now,” as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Daze is a travel and experiences platform focused on in-destination booking. Emphasizes personalized, curated content and rapid decision-making capabilities.

Research & Challenges Identification


Team & My Role

Among our team of 12 consisting of Product Lead, Engineerings, Conduct Strategist and Project Manger, I am the only designer. As such, I am responsible for the entire end-to-end design process and participate directly in product strategy definition.


Because this is an ongoing project within a startup, most of what I do is confidential, but if we were to have an interview we could talke more.

Zhaohui Zhao